6 Plumbing Tips for New Homeowners

 In Clogged Drains, Leaky Faucet, Maintenance, Plumbing, Tips

You just purchased your first home! Congratulations! There’s nothing quite like buying your first house. It’s a time of fun because it’s yours and you can do what you want with it. This house is your responsibility and if something breaks or has an issue, you can’t call the landlord to come fix it.

For many new homeowners, plumbing can feel like a mysterious part of the house. We share six plumbing tips and useful advice for every new homeowner to hear and use when it comes to their plumbing.

6 Plumbing Tips for New Homeowners

Don’t let you plumbing be a mystery. Follow these six plumbing tips and advice to be able to handle common plumbing issues.

1. Locate the Main Water Valve
Every adult living in your home should know where the main water valve is and how to shut it off. A water leak can cause significant damage, and the ability to quickly shut off the main water line will reduce the amount of damage.

Locate your main water valve and tie a bright yellow ribbon on it — this way any adult in your home can quickly find and shut off the water. 

2. Never Use Liquid Drain Cleaner
When you experience your first slow or clogged drain, you might be tempted to buy a liquid drain cleaner and dump it down. Liquid drain cleaners sometimes cause more damage than help. You also want to be careful about which chemicals you use in your home. This is just one of the actions you shouldn’t take with a clogged drain.

3. Properly Clean Your Shower/Bath Drain
Another drain tip is to learn how to fix a clogged or slow shower or bath drain. If anyone living in your home has hair, you’ll eventually experience clog from a buildup. When you experience a clog or slow drain, learn how to handle the situation.

Don’t stick non-plumbing tools down the drain and scratch your pipes!  We recommend you prevent clogs from forming by getting a drain cover and when you do have a clog to use the correct plumbing tools.

4. Find the Main Sewer Line
Your main sewer line is what carries all the waste in your home away. It’s important to know where your main sewer line is located so you can quickly assess and identify any issues with that major piece of plumbing.

5. How to Unclog a Toilet
A clogged toilet is beyond frustrating! Buy a great plunger and have it handy next to every toilet in your home. When a clog occurs, use the plunger to provide pressure when you push down and applying suction when you pull to dislodge the clog. It usually takes a couple of plungers to remove the clog.

6. Find Your Sump Pump
Find out where the sump pump is located in your home and find out how old it is. Learn how to perform a quick check to make sure it’s working properly. You don’t want to realize your sump pump is broken or slow at the moment you need it most.   

*Bonus Tip– Have a trusted plumber in your back pocket. When you have a plumbing issue that needs attention, don’t wait! Call a local plumber to come and quickly resolve the issue.

One Hour Rooter is your trusted plumber in the Twin Cities Metro area. Call us at 612-354-8984 if you need help with any plumbing projects.

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