Home for the Holidays Plumbing Tips

 In Clogged Drains, Maintenance, Plumbing, Seasonal

For many people, there’s no place they’d rather be than home for the holidays. If that home, happens to be your home, it means extra traffic and stress on your plumbing system. More might be merrier, but there’s nothing merry about clogged toilets, broken garbage disposals, flooded basements or burst pipes. So, we’re here to offer up a few tips to help prepare your plumbing for the holidays.

Holiday Plumbing Prep

Don’t let a plumbing problem bring your holiday gathering to a halt. Here’s a quick check list you can use to prep your plumbing for the holidays.


Make sure all your toilets are flushing well. If you have any finicky flushers or easy cloggers, get them fixed before company arrives. Check for leaks, water pressure or supply issues and clogs. And make sure to stock them with plenty of toilet paper and a trash can for guests to help discourage them from flushing any but toilet paper.


Do a quick check to make sure all your sinks, showers and tubs are draining properly. A slow-moving drain could be the sign of a bigger issue. Liquid drain cleaners rarely get to the root of the issue and could lead to more damage. For a long-term solution, it might be best to get a plumber to look at your pipes before your guests arrive.

Garbage Disposal

A garbage disposal can be extremely helpful for prepping and cleaning up after holiday meals. But a broken, clogged or even smelly one can put a damper on your festivities. Give a thorough cleaning ahead of time and if you notice anything off you may want to have it checked out by a plumber.

Water Heater

You can’t give guests a warm welcome with a cold shower. If you are expecting overnight guests, make sure your water heater is ready. Check the temperature setting and if you haven’t done any annual maintenance on it in a while, you may want to do a mini flush. If you have been having hot water issues, it may be time for an upgrade or service and now would be a good time to get a plumber to inspect it.


Frozen pipes are just about the last thing you want to deal with ever, let alone when you have a house full of friends or family. They can cause a lot of damage in a short amount of time and if your pipes aren’t thawed properly, you can end up with even more damage. Prepare your pipes for winter to help prevent them from freezing.

Schedule an Annual Drain Cleaning

The best way to avoid plumbing issues any time of year is with an annual drain cleaning. Prevent future plumbing issues in your Minneapolis area home with One Hour Rooter. Our professional drain cleaning services will clean your pipes and drains to prevent clogs, detect issues, remove odors, and save you money in the long run. Call 612-354-8984 today to schedule an appointment or if you prefer, schedule an appointment online.

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