How to Lower Your Utility Bill This Summer

 In Maintenance

The summer months create a strain on your utility bill between lots of entertaining to warmer weather. Don’t cringe when you open your utility bill this summer and learn these tips to cut back on your energy usage and put money back into your household budget.

Even implementing a few of these habits can lead to significant savings. What will you do with your utility bill savings?

7 Tips for Lowering Your Energy Bill This Summer

These energy-saving tips are inexpensive changes or new habits that will reduce your utility bill.

Switch to LED

Swap out your light bulbs with LED to save each time you flip the switch. According to the Department of Energy, LED is energy-efficient using up to 75% less energy and lasts 25 times longer than a traditional light bulb.

Change Your HVAC Filter

Filters with a lot of buildups are less efficient and cause your HVAC system to work harder. Change your filter every 30 days for optimal performance. A good trick to remember is to write the day you change the filter on your phone or calendar.

Lower the Temperature of Your Hot Water Heater

Adjust the temperature of your water heater by lowering it a couple of degrees for big savings. You’ll barely notice the difference during your shower, but you will see savings on your utility bill. You can also insulate your water heater for better efficiency and savings.

Only Wash Full Loads

Reduce your washer usage by only washing full loads of laundry! Your washing machine essentially uses the same amount of energy per load. Doing one big load rather than two half loads maximizes the washer’s energy.

Hang Clothes to Dry

Skip the dryer when you’re able this summer and hang your clothes to dry on a clothesline or drying rack. If you usually run your dryer for 60 minutes and instead air dry your laundry, you just saved on 60 minutes of electricity usage. You might like your clothes air-dried!

Install Low Flow Shower Heads

Save on your showers by installing an energy-efficient low flow shower head. Low flow shower heads reduce water usage by either aerating the shower stream or by forming individual streams of water.

Power Stripes  

Don’t let appliances suck up energy when they’re not in use. Plug in devices like your TV, Blu-Ray, Roku, or whatever you use into a power strip and get in the habit of switching it on and off when you’re not using those gadgets to save energy.

Annual Plumbing Maintenance

Have annual plumbing maintenance performed on your plumbing to ensure everything is working well. Like your annual physical or wellness exam, your trusted plumber will examine and review your household plumbing and look for any signs of issues or damage.

One Hour Rooter is your trusted plumber in the Twin Cities Metro area. For more money saving tips, check out these ways to lower your water bill. Call us at 612-354-8984 if you need help with any plumbing projects.


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