How to Prevent Frozen Pipes

 In Seasonal, Winterizing

We may finally be in the home stretch of winter, but temps will still be dipping well below freezing for some time yet in Minnesota, leaving our pipes and plumbing susceptible to freezing as well. If you should encounter a frozen pipe in your Minneapolis area home or office and are in need of fast repair, you can count on the plumbers at One Hour Rooter. Give us a call at 612-354-8984 and we’ll have you thawed out in no time with our professional steam cleaning method for safely thawing frozen pipes. If you want to learn how to help prevent your pipes from freezing, keep reading our tips on frozen pipe prevention below.

Six Tips to Keep Your Pipes from Freezing

Cold temperatures can cause water inside your pipes to freeze. When this happens, pressure builds up inside the pipe that can cause the pipe to burst, leading to serious damage and flooding. Follow these six tips to help keep your pipes warm enough so that they don’t freeze.

  1. Turn on the Heat

The biggest thing you can do to prevent your pipes from freezing is keep them warm. By keeping your heat on, even when you are away, you could prevent your pipes from freezing. You don’t have to crank it. Keeping the heat set at or above 55° F should be enough to keep any water inside your pipes from freezing.

  1. Let the Faucet Drip

If you are afraid one of your pipes may freeze, allow a small trickle of water to run through an open faucet at night. This will keep the water moving so it will be less likely to freeze and help relieve some of the pressure so if it does happen to freeze, it won’t burst.

  1. Open Interior Doors

Pipes are often under counters, behind cabinet doors or in storage areas. Open the doors blocking these areas to allow the heat from the rest of the house to circulate into these areas and warm those pipes so they won’t freeze.

  1. Seal Cracks and Holes

Fill any gaps or holes where the pipes come into your home or run through walls or floors with caulk or spray foam insulation. This will help keep the cold outdoor air and air from non-heating spaces in your home from cooling your pipes to the point of freezing.

  1. Stick on Heating Tape

Heating tape is like an electric blanket for your pipes and can be a great way to prevent a high-risk pipe from freezing during cold spells. They work well for short sections of pipe in accessible areas where you can easily apply and monitor the tape. Just be sure the pipe is not already frozen, as unproperly thawing a pipe can cause a lot of damage. These products can also be dangerous so be sure to follow the instructions carefully.

  1. Insulate

Pipes in unheated areas or areas that do not have a lot of insulation like basements, attics or garages, may need extra insulation to prevent them from freezing. Foam rubber and fiberglass sleeves can be placed around the exposed pipe or extra insulation can be added to walls and ceilings to help keep pipes inside them warm.

Signs of a Frozen Pipe

When your pipe bursts and water is spraying everywhere, it’s easy to see you have a problem. But a burst pipe is not the only sign of a frozen pipe. Look for these other frozen pipe warning signs.

  • noticeable drop in water pressure
  • no running water
  • frost on exposed pipes
  • strange smell coming from your pipes or drains

If you are experiencing any of the above issues, give us a call at 651-354-8984 right away. Our steam cleaning method for safely thawing frozen pipes will have you thawed out in no time. Plus, our skilled team of licensed Minneapolis plumbers will be able to repair or replace any pipes that were damaged by the freeze.

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