Prep Your Outdoor Plumbing for Winter in 5 Easy Steps

 In Maintenance, Seasonal, Winterizing

Fall is here and although Minneapolis may still see a few more warm days, the colorful leaves are dropping, signaling the approach of winter. As we fill our to do lists with yard work, leaf removal, gutter cleaning and winterizing around windows and doors, don’t forget to take care of your outdoor plumbing systems.

Outdoor Plumbing Maintenance

When prepping your home for winter, plumbing isn’t always the first thing to come to mind. Probably because when you think about your home’s plumbing you think about your showers, sinks, toilets, washers, hot water tanks, and so on. But don’t forget about all those plumbing systems that begin outside, like your irrigation system and spigots. When the temperatures drop this winter, any water left in your outside water pipes could freeze, causing an increased pressure that could lead to a crack or burst pipe anywhere along your plumbing system, even in your home. Make sure you prep your outside plumbing for winter this fall before temps drop below freezing.

You can severely decrease your chances of frozen pipes and other winter related plumbing problems by performing a few maintenance tasks this fall to prepare your outdoor plumbing for a Minnesota winter.

Step 1: Remove hoses.

Detach any hoses from our home’s exterior faucets and drain them of water before storing for winter.

Step 2: Winterize your sprinkler system.

In-ground sprinkler systems make keeping your lawn watered hassle-free all summer, but don’t forget to have them blown out before winter to prevent any water left in the system from freezing. There are plenty of companies you can hire to winterize your home irrigation system or you can try it yourself by blowing any remaining water out of the system with an air compressor.

Step 3: Shut off outside water.

Turn off the water to your home’s exterior faucets at the shutoff valve. After closing the valve, head outside and open the exterior faucets. Keeping the outside faucets open, go back inside to the shutoff valve and place a bucket under the pipe and remove the bleeder cap. This will allow any remaining water in the pipe to drain out. Once you know the pipe is free of water, replace the bleeder cap and turn off the exterior faucets.

Step 4: Cap spigots.

Once all off your exterior faucets are closed, place insulation covers over them.

Step 5: Check for leaks.

Inspect your work and the area surrounding your exterior faucets for air leaks and cracks and seal off any you found to prevent the cold winter air from getting into your home and reaching your pipes.

Importance of Winterizing Your Exterior Plumbing

A little fall maintenance can help ensure a winter free from plumbing emergencies like frozen, cracked or burst pipes in your home. Checking these outdoor plumbing tasks off your fall to-do list can help prevent those types of issues. If you need any help getting your plumbing in order this fall, you should reach out to a trusted plumber for help. Our trained and certified Minneapolis plumbers would be happy to help with any plumbing concerns you have now or help with any plumbing issues you have this winter. You can count on One Hour Rooter to handle the problem right the first time, quickly, capability, and affordably. Give us a call at 6112-354-8984 or schedule a plumbing appointment online.

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