Money Saving Tips to Lower Your Summer Water Bill

 In Maintenance, Seasonal, Tips

Minnesota summers are iconic for going to the lake, fairs, and outdoor festivals and events. But they also seem to bring a higher-than-normal water bill. Whether it’s because kids are home from school, increased house guests, watering your lawn or filling up the pool, there are plenty of reasons to explain the spike in your water bill. And while you may be using more water to beat the summer heat, there are a few ways you can help reduce it.

Ways to Reduce Your Water Bill This Summer

Water and summer fun go hand in hand, but high water usage typically results in a high water bill. Not only that but high water usage can take it’s toll on the environment. To help, we have a few tips that can reduce your water usage and save your money from going down the drain. For more summer savings, check out 7 Tips for Lowering Your Energy Bill This Summer.

Avoid Excessive Water Waste

There are things you probably do every day that waste water or use more water than necessary without ever realizing it. By understanding where you are unintentionally wasting water, you can make changes to reduce consumption and lower your water bill. Here are a few examples.

  • Using the dishwasher instead of washing by dishes by hand
  • Only running the dishwasher or washing machine when full
  • Taking shorter showers rather than baths, which use more water
  • Washing fruits and veggies in a bowl of water instead of under running water
  • Turning the faucet off when you brush your teeth so that it doesn’t run continuously

Check for Leaks

One of the most common reasons for a high water bill is a running toilet. So if you are experiencing higher water bills, it’s important to inspect your appliances for leaks. Leaks not only waste water and money, but they can cause damage to your home as well. Now’s a great time to run around your home and check for leaks. Look under and behind refrigerators, washers and dryers, and sinks, and check all your faucets (inside and outside) for drips. If you have a pool, be sure to check it for leaks as well. Obviously, it takes a lot of water to fill it, but It takes considerably more water if you are continuously having to refill it if it has a leak.

Water Smarter

Avoid watering your lawn, flowers, and gardens in the middle of the day. By watering in the early morning or evening and avoiding the hottest part of the day, your watering is more effective. You’ll be able to use less water or water less often because less of it will be evaporating in the summer sun. If you have a home sprinkler system, configure it to automatically start early in the morning and be sure to use the rain-sensor or add one if you don’t have one since there’s no sense in watering in the rain.

Another trick is to leave your lawn a little longer during the hottest and driest months. If left at about 2” in height, your lawn will have longer roots that are able to hold moisture longer, meaning your lawn won’t require as much water.

Compost & Collect Rainwater

Not only are composting and collecting rainwater great for the environment, they can help reduce your water bill as well. If you have a garbage disposal you know it’s a great way to get rid of food scraps, but to use it properly you also know you it requires excess water. Throwing your fruit and veggie scraps into a compost bin instead is also a great alternative to the garbage. It will save gallons of water and provide excellent nutrients if added to garden soil. Colleting rainwater is great way to use natural resources to cut down on your water bill by using the collected water for gardens and flowers.

Save More with One Hour Rooter

Save money on your water bill with these easy to implement tips from One Hour Rooter. If you come across a leak you need help with, call on our certified and licensed Minneapolis area plumbers today. One Hour Rooter is your trusted plumber in the Twin Cities Metro area. Our quick, capable, and affordable plumbers will help you save money by fixing your plumbing problem right, the first time. Call us at 612-354-8984 if you need help with any plumbing projects or schedule an appointment online.


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